Located an hour’s drive from Oakland, the Art Park offers residencies for artists and performers, workshops for all ages, a shared shop, camping, art & RV storage, and a Spring/Summer series of monthly events.
The Art Park is curated by the SF Institute of Possibility, a 501(c)3 community arts nonprofit.
Join us in the Delta!
The Art Park
To schedule a visit, contact us at info@sfiop.org
To find out more about membership, visit sfiop.org/memberships
NARM reciprocal members are welcome to attend any events, which are a combination of activities, workshops and live music.
NARM members can visit the site other times as well. We don't have a check-in desk, so be sure to email communications@sfiop.org ahead of time so we are expecting you!

Members can opt to stay aboard in a boat or RV cabin.
The RVs offer mini-kitchens, bathrooms, running water, power & A/C.
The boats have power and water (no bathrooms) and beautiful sunset views.
To arrange a visit, email info@sfiop.org.